
Direct courier services from abroad to Bulgaria often exceed the cost of the purchase itself, but with Leron you can reduce the costs of delivery from the UK, Germany, and the USA to the absolute minimum. We provide you with an address in the relevant country to order with local (cheap or often free) delivery. Then we transport to Bulgaria at the lowest possible price.


How to do it in three steps

Step 1 - Registration

Register here and get an ID number. You can find your ID number in your profile page in the Leron website.

Step 2 – Address fill-in when purchasing

When you shop online from a company based abroad, you provide the Leron facility address in the relevant country. In the TO field, fill in your name, and next to it enter the ID number along with the R indication you got during the initial registration. The Leron system uses the ID number to recognize the packages addressed to you and ensures that your Package shall not be delivered to another registered user with the same name.

It is useful to enter the ID number along with the Leron indication in some additional field in the address as shown below. If, for some reason the retailer does not enter the ID number along with your name, the other one will still be featured in the additional field.

Step 3 – We deliver

During the separate legs of delivery, you will get three messages by email. You will get the first one when your Package arrives at the Leron facility in the country of departure and it is identified. This normally happens within 2 business days after the day of delivery (Spain and USA apply once a week). The second one will confirm the Package is on its way to the country of destination. once the Package is there, it will be processed, and you will get the third message on delivery options. There are three such options:  directly at the Leron office, via Leron delivery (only for Sofia), or via courier service. Your package is ready for collection when the notification is marked "Arrived".

What if my Package has no ID number?

Leron will transport your package to the country of destination even with no ID number entered. Transporting a package with no provided ID number is just as hassle-free as when an ID number is provided, but due to additional processing, it takes longer. The package will be processed and entered in our system only after its arrival in the country of destination and clarifying ownership, therefore you will not be able to receive notifications about its movement.

Restrictions for packages

Transportation of excise goods such as tobacco, alcohol and others is prohibited for all routes

US Shipments are delivered via air cargo. Hence, packages prohibited for transportation by air, such as flammable objects and liquids shall not be shipped. Batteries are transported in a specific way and need to be declared in advance. If you are uncertain whether your package may be prohibited for air transport, please contact the Leron Sofia office before ordering!

Feedback to us

We have set up a new feed-back message system. It enables you to link to the message a package or a service you requested and follow  through the entire relevant correspondence. You will know the name of the specific operator communicating with you. We try to respond specifically and adequately within 48 hours.

Important when filling in an address

Each retailer has a different form for filling out a shipping address so the examples may not match. It is important that your ID number, your names and Leron are present in several places in the form. If you are not sure, you can call our office in Sofia for a consultation. There are also different requirements for entering a phone number. For some it is mandatory to enter the country code with a "+" sign or with "00" in front, for others it is not. Some companies also accept a Bulgarian number, entered with or without a code.

The following are examples of filling in receiving addresses for each of our facilities.


United Kingdom

Name: fill in your ID number (along with the R symbol), name and family name - example: R1234 John Dough

Address: fill in Unit 8 and Leron - examlpe: Unit 8, Leron

Street: Optima park

Address Line 2: fill in Thames Road followed by your ID number (along with the R symbol) and  Leron - example: Thames Road, R1234 Leron


County: KENT

Post Code: DA1 4QX

М: + 44 (0)7466 795 655

When you order from supermarket chains, such as ASDA, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Ocado, Morrisons, Waitrose and Iceland, state a delivery time from 10:00 a.m. until 04:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. These chains deliver your orders in plastic bags with no receipt, and we have no way of knowing what their contents are.  Therefore, we take no responsibility for the content of such packages!


Vorname (Name): fill in your ID number (along with the R symbol) and name - example: R1234 John

Nachname (Last name): fill in your family name - example: Dough

Straße / Nr. (Street/Number): Maerkische Allee 193

Straße / Nr. (2)* (Address Line 2): fill in your ID number (along with the R symbol) and Abt 9 Leron - example: R1234 Abt 9, Leron

*If there is no Address line 2, you can fill in the data in the field Firmenname (Company name) or any additional field

Postleitzahl (Postal Code): 12681

Ort/ Stadt (City): Berlin

Land (County): Berlin Bundesland

М: (+49) 01767 3366403

United States

Name: fill in your ID number (along with the R symbol), name and family name - example: R1234 John Dough

Address: 881 N Central Ave

Address Line 2: fill in Leron and your ID number (along with the R symbol) - example: Leron R1234

City: Wood Dale

State: IL - Illinois

Post Code: 60191-1244

М: +1 (630) 8851266 (This phone number should only be entered in the delivery form. To contact our US office, please call our Sofia office)


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